Monday, April 16, 2012

Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes...

Today is Monday....

Probably one of my favorite Andy Warhol quotes of all time.  The concept that we all have the capacity to have our "15 minutes" of fame!

Well today I am going to focus on a post that has been circulating around for a couple days about a "average guy" that fooled people into believing that he was "famous" or a celebrity for his 15 minutes.
In doing this we can look at his how it all happened and how it really started with an idea, how the "fake celebrity" worked his expertise in the area of social media to create a persona with innovation to gain his fifteen minutes. So really, and after over a million hits on Youtube and others covering it, he is famous!

Check out the footage:

So lets think about this concept as it relates to creating "buzz" and "fanfare" around something that isn't even reality.  This is the theme for this week.   How do we innovate in ways that are revolutionary that create ideas that have impact.

So more to come this week in the area of innovative ideas and how the grow into something amazing.

Stay tuned....
