Friday, May 18, 2012

10 Things Colleges Don't Tell Young Entrepreneurs at Graduation

Today is Friday....
I really liked this article that I found online this morning.  It is written by and has some great ideas about what graduates should expect when they complete their degree and think about starting a business.
Here are the top ten ideas that you should really think about.  I have to say that this is spot on!  These are great really broad ideas that any new entpreneur should consider.  Take a look and feel free to check the article out for more of a description. 
1. "Hope you liked living like a college student."
2. "There are no right answers."
3. "Cramming won't help you succeed."

4. "Average is never good enough."
5. "It’s finals week all the time."
6. "Your degree doesn't matter."
7. "You're on your own."
8. "Say goodbye to your old friends
9."You can't skip work."
10. "Failure is OK."
As I am now making the transition from academics (not as a student but as an administrator) back to life in a newly funded start-up, I have to live by these ideas yet again.  I have to admit that I am very excited about what is ahead of me and working in a space with insanly smart people!  It has been a long time since I have had the thought provoking conversations that the last couple days have spawned.  Can't wait to share more!

So feel free to chime in and reflect on this list?  I think that it is facinating! 

Have a great Friday, and a better weekend!!!!
